
To mark our 25th Anniversary, PACT incorporated additional colors and features for a limited time. The gradient of green to blue along with the stylized leaf carried on a wave signify the connection between the terrestrial and marine environments.

Seeing an increase in eco-tourism, policy-makers and environmentalists saw the need for an innovative source of funding for the conservation of natural ecology.

Protected Areas Conservation Trust Act, No. 15 of 1995, is passed.

PACT is a prominent part of a bold new strategy for non-traditional revenue generation to provide a sustainable means of funding for protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural treasures of Belize.

Lindsay Belisle elected Chairman.

Vacancies announced for the Protected Areas Conservation Trust in Belmopan.

A combined amount of $50,000 to the Belize Audubon Society and Association of Friends of Five Blues lake National Park.

Winners of Logo competition announced at the launch of PACT's first Strategic Plan.

The First Five Year Strategic Plan is shared with stakeholders across the conservation and tourism communities.

Mrs. Bridget Cullerton is named the Director of PACT while Mr. Richard Belisle stands as PACT's first Board Chairman.
PACT's Grants Programme Manual is revised to make several improvements to the application process. A project officer is hired.
External Evaluation of Projects commenced.
Legislative Amendment expanding board of directors and advisory council and establishing the PACT Foundation with BZ$1M endowment fund.
Personnel Policy Manual Revised.
Planning Process for Second Strategic Plan Starts.
PACT Chairs Task Force to develop the National Protected Areas Policy and System Plan for Belize.
PACT is Belize's founding member PACT Foundation Established Grants Portfolio expanded to include large grants and capacity building grants. First large grant awarded to the Forest Department Memorandum of Understanding signed with INCAE and Earth Universities respectively to jointly support scholarships for Belizeans.
A debt for nature swap between Belize, the US Government, and local NGOs would eventually lead to the formation of the Belize Nature Conservation Foundation (BNCF).
First PACT Challenge successfully conducted, over $2 million is raised for Chiquibul Forst.
PACT issues the first Large Grants totaling over $2M.
At this point PACT has funded 74 Projects and issued over BZ$5.49M in grants.
Memorandum of Understanding is signed with the University of Belize to support the establishment of the NRM Bachelors Degree program. Board Manual Developed.

A Second PACT Challenge raises over $1.5 million for marine conservation. Development of the PACT Environmental Education Strategy.
First Comprehensive Institutional Review of PACT commissioned.
Third Strategic Plan completed and endorsed by the Cabinet.
PACT revises grant program to allow for additional capacity development for professionals in the field of conservation.

PACT receives accreditation as National Implementing Entity (NIE) for the Adaptation Fund.

German Development Bank (KfW) invests €5M into Marine Protected Areas in Central America.
PACT serves as grant manager for Belize.

Adaptation Fund approves US$6M Marine Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation Project (MCCAP) aimed at strengthening climate resilience of the Belize Barrier Reef System.

The project aims to strengthen the integrated management of water resources in Belize.

Rather than annual competitive grants, PACT engages in 3-year strategic investments aimed at maximizing value of conservation finance efforts.

The Green Climate Fund Accreditation makes PACT the first GCF Direct Access Entity in Belize and the second in the Caribbean.

Efforts to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus severely restrict the income of PACT and other protected areas.
PACT maintains its commitment through its CIS and assists PA co-managers in maintaining operations.

PACT has supported over 100 projects and invested more than BZ$34 Million into supporting the effective management of Belize National Protected Areas System.