***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for a Firm Specializing in Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Development with expertise in Finance and Resource Mobilization/Strategy, and Gender Responsive Communications – WBS # 1.3.1

***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for a Firm Specializing in Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Development with expertise in Finance and Resource Mobilization/Strategy, and Gender Responsive Communications – WBS # 1.3.1

Title of Project: Building Capacity for Climate Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Land Management and Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Economic Development for pre- Accreditation to the Green Climate Fund 


The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a unique global platform established to respond to climate change by investing in low-emission and climate-resilient development. GCF was established to limit or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in developing countries, and to help vulnerable societies adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Given the urgency and seriousness of this challenge, the Fund is mandated to make an ambitious contribution to the united global response to climate change.

Belize, like many other Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change. The country’s low-lying coastline and sectoral vulnerabilities to climate risk coupled with limited access to national financial, technological, and technical resources to build the country’s resilience, led to a ranking of #9 on the Climate Change Vulnerability Index for the Latin American and Caribbean Region.  

Taking a proactive approach to building climate resilience, the Government of Belize has prioritized the capacity building of national institutions which can access climate finance and implement bankable projects and programmes. International funding agencies such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) offer support to developing countries who are working to achieve climate adaptation and mitigation in accordance with their Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement. GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme supports country-driven initiatives by developing countries to strengthen their institutional capacities, governance mechanisms, and planning and programming frameworks towards a transformational long-term climate action agenda.

The development of Belize is depending on mitigating changes that are beyond our control and adapting to those that are projected to affect our population in the short and long-term. To achieve the latter, Belize must address barriers that may limit implementation of interventions and their impacts. Some of these barriers include the non-existence of climate smart development plans for human settlements and infrastructure. With almost half of the population in urban areas (45%), and rural to urban migration increasing over the last decade, lack of urban planning has become evident, with its associated challenges.  

Standardized demographic features of human settlements need to be established to ensure that categorization and services are based on population size and demands. There is also limited recognition of the role of human settlements and urban land management in reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions, considering that urban areas generate approximately 80 percent of global energy and emit 50 to 60 per cent of the world’s GHG emissions.1 This Readiness will address key areas to improve human settlements and infrastructure to make them climate resilient, while building the capacity of regulatory agencies in the public and private sectors. It will also equip municipalities with resources to improve urban planning and monitoring. Barriers to an enabling environment will be addressed by improving the relevant frameworks to support resilient human settlement urban planning and improving coordination and collaboration between regulating and service providing agencies and institutions. Increasing knowledge sharing will improve public buy-in and awareness on the importance of climate impacts, mitigation and adaptation and their relationship to protecting investments in human settlements and infrastructures.  


The objectives of this consultancy are: 
2.1 Assessment and strengthen the engagement of the Belize Association of Planners, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Infrastructure, Development & Housing and relevant stakeholders (which may include executing entities, civil society organizations and private sector) in establishing adequate capacity, systems and networks to support the planning, programming and implementation of GCF-funded activities in the following five areas:  
a. Leadership to advocate for climate resilience settlements, infrastructures, and urban development policies.
b. Settlement planning and data information and management systems.
c. Financing and Resource Mobilization for climate resilience human settlements ad infrastructure
d. Communication and advocacy I Resilient Human Settlement and Infrastructures
e. Communication for media on vulnerabilities of Human Settlement and Infrastructures to Climate changes and best practices.
2.2 Strengthening of Stakeholders’ engagement in feasibility of climate technology solutions and their use to mitigate and adapt to climate change. 
2.3 Implementation of GCF activities is strengthened thru coordination and collaboration by combining the knowledge and experience of the Belize Association of Planners and related entities such as the National Designated Authority in development and management.   


The specific objectives of the consultancy will be as follows: 

 3.1 Resourcing Municipalities for improved monitoring and evaluation of urban planning. 
3.2 To provide municipalities with the necessary spatial analysis tools to improve their urban planning processes and decision-making and build the capacity of municipal staff in effectively utilizing spatial analysis tools for informed urban development. 
3.3 To enhance the organizational structures and technical skills of community stakeholders, local governments, and relevant organizations in addressing climate change challenges. 
3.4 To provide actionable and practical guidance to help urban communities become more resilient and sustainable in the face of climate change.


Option # 1  
Firm’s Experience: 
The successful firm must have: 
➢ At least 10 years’ experience engaging in stakeholder engagement exercise.
➢ Developed of at least two (2) Stakeholder Engagement projects in the last 5 years. (2018-2022)
General and Specific experiences: 
➢ Proven experience in climate finance including analysing climate stakeholder engagement together with developing and implementing strategies for engagement in the GCF sector.
➢ Proven experience working on GCF-funded projects or projects related to climate change, demonstrating an understanding of the GCF’s objectives, requirements, and procedures.
➢ Experience in enhancing readiness for delivery of climate and development projects/programmes, multi-stakeholder engagement in policymaking and planning.
➢ Experience working in Belize, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Overall skills, knowledge, abilities 
The selected consulting firm/team will need to have or show: 
➢ Strong research and analytical skills.
➢ Strong interpersonal skills and experience working with a cross-section of stakeholders, including senior government officials, local communities and resource users, and donor agencies.
➢ Time management and organisational skills.
➢ Excellent oral and written communication skills and fluency in English.
Option # 2  
Team Composition: 
The consulting firm must also have suitable, sufficient, and efficient resources, in such a way that the objective of the project is achieved without delays or deficiencies. This must have the required personnel detailed below as a “Work Team”, within which it is expected to have the following professionals: 
1. Team Leader – A master’s degree in project management, environmental science, sustainable development, environmental engineering, or related field; with minimum of 5 years professional experience in sustainability, environmental & social risk management, and quality assurance systems consultancies.
2. Environmental Expert – master’s degree in environmental studies, or science, or related field; with a minimum of 5 years professional experience in sustainability, environmental & social risk management, and quality assurance systems.
3. Stakeholder Engagement Expert – master’s degree in communication, public relations, social science or related field; with a minimum of 5 years professional working experience in public communication, stakeholders’ meetings.
4. Social Specialist – Have a master’s degree in social science (sociology, political economy) or related field, with a minimum of 5 years in social risk management and/or social development.
5. Urban Planner Expert – master’s degree in urban planning/development, architecture, or related field; with 5 years professional experience working with sustainable infrastructure and GCF activities.
Team’s General and Specific experiences: 
➢ Proven experience in climate finance including analysing climate stakeholder engagement together with developing and implementing strategies for engagement in the GCF sector.
➢ Proven experience working on GCF-funded projects or projects related to climate change, demonstrating an understanding of the GCF’s objectives, requirements, and procedures.
➢ Experience in enhancing readiness for delivery of climate and development projects/programmes, multi-stakeholder engagement in policymaking and planning.
➢ Experience working in Belize, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Overall skills, knowledge, abilities 
✓ Strong research and analytical skills.
✓ Strong interpersonal skills and experience working with a cross-section of stakeholders, including senior government officials, local communities and resource users, and donor agencies.
✓ Time management and organisational skills.
✓ Excellent oral and written communication skills and fluency in English. 


Expression of Interest package should contain: 

(i) Cover letter briefly explaining interest, relevant work experience, and expertise of the consultant.
(ii) Comprehensive resume of each team expert.
(iii) Technical & Financial Proposals
(iv) Copy of degrees.
(v) For firms: submission of copy of Certificate of Good Standing from the Belize Tax Service, Social Security Board and Belize Companies Registry.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted no later than 5:00pm on August 23, 2024, to:

Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust

Soft copies should be sent via email to: 

procurementofficer@pactbelize.org with copy to projectmanager2@pactbelize.org

Re: Expression of Interest: Consultancy Services for a Firm Specializing in Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Development with expertise in Finance and Resource Mobilization/Strategy, and Gender Responsive Communications – WBS # 1.3.1


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