***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for Communications Services
The Belize Nature Conservation Foundation, (BNCF), formerly the PACT Foundation, was officially established in 2004, through the Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement (TFCA) of September 28, 2001, among the Government of Belize, The Nature Conservancy, Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, Programme for Belize, Belize Audubon Society, and the Protected Areas Conservation Trust. The TFCA Agreement resulted from the Debt-for-Nature Swap Agreement between the Government of Belize and the Government of the United States of America of August 2, 2001, brokered, and purchased by The Nature Conservancy. Through the Debt-for-Nature-Swap, The Government of the United States of America prepaid and cancelled US $8.58M owed by the Government of Belize to the Government of the USA in exchange for a commitment by the GOB to fund forest conservation in Belize. As one of the four beneficiaries of the Debt-for-Nature Swap, from 2001 to 2011, the BNCF has received BZ $2,724,000 via the BNCF Endowment Fund, to fund registered, non-profit organizations that manage terrestrial protected areas to carry out projects for the conservation, maintenance, and restoration of tropical forest in Belize, through one or more of the following activities:
- Establishment, restoration, protection, and maintenance of parks, protected areas, and reserves.
- Training programs to increase scientific, technical, and managerial capacities of individuals and organizations involved in conservation efforts.
- Restoration, protection, or sustainable use of diverse animal and plant species.
- Research and identification of medicinal uses of tropical forest plant life to treat human diseases, illnesses, and health-related concerns.
The BNCF has entered into a Management Agreement with the Protected Areas Conservation Trust
(PACT) for the day-to-day management of the Foundation’s grant program. The Foundation has also recently adopted a Communications Strategy & Plan with the objectives to:
a) Increase awareness of the work and achievements of BNCF and promote greater
knowledge among key stakeholders and the public.
b) Promote the Foundation’s mandate and areas of work.
c) Foster greater information and knowledge exchange with key stakeholders and
development partners in the conservation sector.
Service Objectives
The BNCF is seeking to contract professional services to deliver the activities outlined in its Communications Strategy & Plan.
The following is the list of services/activities to be delivered:
- Website Development and Management, including set up and design.
- Content Creation
- Graphic design for logo and wordmark development.
- Design of identified printed material.
Qualifications and Experience
- Firm or Team with at least one expert in communications, social marketing, public relations, or a field related to media/communications and one expert in graphic design.
- Firm or Team members should have at least 2 years of experience in producing similar deliverables.
- At least one member must understand conservation, climate change, natural resource management, sustainable livelihoods, or sustainable development in Belize.
Bids should include a signed cover letter, company profile, or professional CVs of individual team members in the case of an assembled team; portfolio showing samples of similar work; timeline; and financial proposal. Bids should be submitted to:
Procurement Officer
West Wing, 3rd Floor, MSD Building
7552 Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan
Re: BNCF Communications Services
OR via email to: procurementofficer@pactbelize.org and copied to
ed@pactbelize.org. Deadline for submission is 4:30p.m. on February 16, 2024.
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.