!!CLOSED!! Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Development of a Full Project Proposal
Belize is a country rich in natural resources. This richness has resulted in the country building its major income earning sectors around the natural resources the country has to offer, thereby being heavily dependent on ecosystem services and its proper functioning. Traditional practices and way of life for many of the country’s ethnicities also rely heavily on Belize’s natural resources. Located on the eastern coast of Central America, Belize has a national territory of 46,620 km2, with its coastline extending 386 km and being notable for its rich coastal and marine ecosystems, inclusive of the Belize Barrier Reef System.
Although Belize contributes minimally to climate change the country is impacted by climate change and variability due to its distinct characteristic as a low-lying small island developing state. Most of the country, including its coastal areas and islands, are flat and low-lying, making the country highly vulnerable to sea level rise, erosion, storm surges and flooding. Some of the current threats of climate change extend to changes in the intensity, distribution, and frequency of extreme weather events, such as storms and hurricanes, sea level rise (SLR), increased sea surface temperature, ocean acidification, coral bleaching, drought, wildfires, and changes in crop production. All of which result in direct and indirect threats to the productive sectors of the country.
The water sector is notably a key sector possessing an important commodity necessary for the survival of all local communities. Although the country has an abundance of water resources and a high-water per capita rate, this sector is particularly vulnerable to impacts of climate change as the country extracts the majority of its water resources from rivers and groundwater sources. Belize’s Third National Communication (TNC) to the UNFCCC, noted that rainfall is projected to decrease more and more from the 2030s to the 2090s leading to worsened drought conditions. The latter will decrease the water supply with lower projected levels of rainfall. On the opposite end of the spectrum, given climate uncertainties, the changing climate will also lead to intense rains and flooding during other periods. Additionally, deforestation further threatens water availability by decreasing ecological functionality of watershed thereby affecting water quality. Population growth also impacts the availability of water resources. Belize’s TNC highlighted the need for adaptive measures such as the protection and restoration of ecosystems, increased water harvesting, water protection, and promoting sustainable water utilization.
The Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) has received approval from the Adaptation Fund for the project Concept Note referenced above. Additionally, the Adaptation Fund has provided a Project Formulation Grant (PFG) to provide technical assistance and preparation support for development of the project proposal. The project will be executed by the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government (MRTCDLLG) and implemented by PACT, as the Fund’s National Implementing Entity in Belize.
The project contains three interlinked components:
Component one: Improved Potable Water Supply Systems
Component Two: Community Based Watershed Protection and Management
Component Three: Improved Governance and Enhanced Appreciation for Water Resources
PACT is interested in identifying a Consulting Firm or Team to undertake the requisite project development activities that will result in a project proposal which is aligned with the Adaptation Fund criteria. The following are the required project development processes to be executed under this consultancy:
1. Stakeholder Consultations
2. Gender Assessment
3. Social Assessment- Indigenous Peoples
4. Development of Project Proposal
Scope of Work
The Consultancy Team/Firm will, within the scope of the project development activities:
Conduct an Inception meeting with PACT and the MRTCDLLG and prepare a detailed work plan, including an identified list of targeted Stakeholders.
Literature review.
Gender Assessment activities and preparation of Gender Assessment Report.
Social Assessment activities and preparation of Social Assessment Report.
Consultation with stakeholders to develop 1st draft of the Project Proposal.
Produce 1st draft of the Project Proposal.
Disseminate the 1st draft with stakeholders and conduct stakeholder workshops to present, review and obtain feedback on the draft proposal.
Validation workshop for the updated Project Proposal.
Submission of Final Consultancy Report.
Qualifications and Experience
The consultancy firm/team shall have at maximum three consultants, one or two of which must have proven expertise in gender and social management.
Qualifications of the lead expert:
A minimum of a master’s degree in Project Development and/or Management or other relevant discipline.
A minimum of 7 years’ professional experience in the field of Project Development and Management, Project Proposals, conducting project feasibility studies and gender assessments.
Applicants must also demonstrate recognized technical capacity and expertise, supported by the following technical specialties:
(a) Demonstrated expertise in stakeholder consultation and participatory approaches to project development with excellent interpersonal and facilitation skills.
(b) Interested individuals must have prior experience developing, reviewing and/or evaluating.
Adaptation Fund or any other International Funding Instruments or Full Funding Proposals. The list of performed Funding Proposals should be presented.
(c) Experience with the supervision and oversight of project/programme implementation is desirable.
(d) Experience with fiduciary and procurement processes, particularly as they apply to Belize.
(e) Knowledge of implementation and oversight of environmental and social safeguards and policies, including gender policies; and/or
(f) Knowledge of design and implementation of results management frameworks for the monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes.
(e) Professional experience in the financing, development, and implementation of public and/or private sector projects in Belize.
Thorough understanding of the climate change context in Belize, and experience working with government institutions and international or non-governmental organizations regarding climate change and development work in the specific area of intervention.
Qualifications of team members:
Bachelor’s Degree in Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environmental Engineering, or other relevant disciplines.
A minimum of 5 years’ professional experience in the field of project management and/or climate change.
Demonstrated expertise in stakeholder consultation and participatory approaches to project development with excellent interpersonal and facilitation skills.
Proven technical expertise in data collection (surveys, interviews, desk research), qualitative and quantitative analysis.
The full Terms of Reference is available at www.pactbelize.org. Interested firms are asked to submit:
Signed letter of interest.
A detailed technical proposal for the deliverables. The technical proposal should include methodology, work schedule, quality control and quality assurance. The technical proposal should also describe the composition of the team and relevant years of experience.
A financial proposal.
The most recent Curriculum Vitae of all members of the consulting team.
Packages should be submitted no later than July 14, 2023, at 5:00pm (Central Standard Time) and addressed to:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of Interest – Development of a Full Project Proposal
Soft Copies should be sent via email to: Procurementofficer@pactbelize.org and projdevofficer2@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.