***CLOSED*** Call For Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services to develop a financial management framework for the BSIF
Country: Belize
Donor: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Project Name: Enhancing Access for Climate Finance Opportunities, through pre-accreditation support to Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) and Ministry of Economic Development-Belize and technical support for Belize National Protected Areas System (BNPAS) Entities, Belize
Contract Title: Recruitment of Consultancy Services to Develop a Financial Management Framework for the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF)
Type of Contract: Company – Firm (Local)
Estimated Start Date: November 2023
Main Duty Station: Belize
Deadline for Submission of EoI: On or before November 24, 2023
The Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) was established in 1996 and based on its governing act is mandated by the Government of Belize to provide financial and technical assistance to local government entities and community groups through development cooperation funds earmarked for poverty reduction interventions. Work under a previous Readiness grant (BLZ – RS – 002) identified gaps including the following in BSIF’s operation in line with the fiduciary criteria of the GCF: (i) the lack of a Strategic Plan to guide its long-term vision and work of the organization, (ii) The lack of a formal financial management system/framework (iii) the need for a grants award mechanism and (iv) the lack of Environmental, Social and Gender Management Frameworks for the operation of the organization and any projects under implementation. Building on the support provided under a previous Readiness, this Readiness Grant seeks to strengthen internal capacities and function of the BSIF to attain GCF Accreditation by addressing the above gaps. In so doing, Belize will be able to access international climate finance via an entity engaged in the provision of basic climate resilient social infrastructure and related human development interventions across the Health, Education, Water and Sanitation sectors particularly in rural communities throughout the country. The BSIF serves a unique role in addressing the human developmental needs of men, women, and children in communities across the country, inclusive of climate adaptation needs, and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Scope of Work
The Firm will execute the following activities that contribute towards enhancing the BSIF’s capacity to effectively mobilize, manage, and monitor climate finance in an effort to achieve the national sustainable goals and objectives outlined in national strategies and action plans. This consultancy will provide technical assistance for the development of BSIF’s FMF, which will guide the operations of its finance department in line with international standards. In carrying out this assignment, the firm is required to employ a collaborative approach and close engagement with BSIF and its stakeholders in ensuring that the completed assignment deliverables are consistent with national standards and protocols.
The firm shall work in close consultation with BSIF’s Finance Unit Coordinator, staff from the Finance, Procurement and Administration units and the Executive Director of the BSIF. This should enable the BSIF to have a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, internal financial control and related governance and management processes. The particular organizational functions that will be assessed and improved include financial management and administration, procurement, human resources management and information technology. The specific areas to be examined include:
- • Develop and institutionalize a Business-Financial Model that ensures adequate recovery of BSIF’s costs and revenue realization through various fee mechanisms;
- • Establish the requisite organizational arrangements for effective financial management interface with key stakeholders including the BSIF Board, Ministry of Finance, Belize Tax Service, and donor partners (e.g. Caribbean Development Bank and World Bank) to ensure well defined compliance requirements are managed and met;
- • Develop long-term budgetary planning and cost management procedures in alignment with BSIF’s strategic plan and business objectives and
- • Establish and integrate key Board sub-committees (audit, procurement and ethics) into BSIF’s governance structure aimed at strengthening the organization’s level of transparency and accountability in its financial management;
Financial and Operations Management:
- Develop financial management and procurement manuals that are required of GCF accredited agencies or revise/update existing BSIF financial management and procurement manuals to be compliant with GCF accreditation requirements;
- Develop a BSIF Financial Control Policy and corresponding Financial Control procedures;
- Adopt and implement IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) to ensure that BSIF financial statements are compliant with IPSAS;
- Design and facilitate a “roll-out” of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) at BSIF with the intention of full compliance by the end of 2024 with clean IFRS compliant audit reports;
- Assessment of fully functional computerized accounting system workflow;
- Improve existing procedures or establish new procedures that provide oversight for the general accounting function which includes inter-organizational transactions, cash management/reconciliation for multiple accounts, financial reporting and balance sheet management;
- Develop and support implementation of procedures and processes for monitoring the maintenance of BSIF’s financial records in compliance with regulatory requirements, BSIF’s accounting policies and IFRS;
- Put in place and support a mechanism for restating BSIF’s financial statements from modified cash/accrual basis to full accruals of IFRS as and when required and on a quarterly basis;
- Review accounting activities to ensure that a standard level of internal controls and audit procedures and techniques are consistently applied;
- Develop an Internal Audit Policy/Charter and corresponding Internal Audit Manual in accordance with internationally recognized standards;
- Develop a corporate Procurement Policy and corresponding Procurement Manual and guidelines in accordance with internationally recognized standards;
- Develop work policies, procedures, and work-flow processes to produce the necessary controls on the organization’s assets by updating and developing the BSIF financial procedures manual;
- Develop or improve a complete non-current asset register that includes all assets of the BSIF with appropriate valuations and maintenance schedule where necessary;
- Develop BSIF assets transfer framework for movement of assets and ensure its implementation with complete documentation and
- Develop a BSIF green policy that is intended to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to environmental responsibility and assist with reducing its carbon footprint. The initial green policy version will initially focus on increasing transactional efficiency related to financial management functions and lessening the generation of hard-copy paper documents, files and folders through the appropriate and effective use of document scanning and electronic file management and storage technologies. This green policy will be piloted firstly in the organization’s finance and administration departments and across their various functions.
Risk Management and Compliance:
- Develop a risk management and compliance framework (RMCF) inclusive of optimal organizational arrangements to manage risk and exposure for the BSIF;
- Design the RMCF to allow for ease of compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory framework, financing covenants and the international financial reporting framework (IFRS);
- Establish sound system of internal controls to ensure adequacy of policies, systems and processes to safeguard BSIF’s assets and to enhance operational efficiency;
- Develop comprehensive risk management policies and procedures to ensure that BSIF’s financial risks are minimized at an acceptable level;
- Develop the Funds Accounting Manual, Antifraud Policy and Procedures (Anti-money laundering/anti-terrorist financing), Procedures Manual for Investigating Fraud and Whistleblower Policy and Procedures Manual as part of the preparations being made to submit an accreditation application to the GCF;
- Develop a corporate Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct to govern BSIF’s financial and procurement transactions;
- Develop a corporate conflict of interest/financial disclosure policy and accompanying conflict-of-interest review and resolution procedures to govern BSIF’s financial and procurement transactions;
- Develop a corporate financial mismanagement policy govern BSIF’s financial and procurement transactions and accompanying procedures for dealing with financial mismanagement and other forms of malpractice and
- Mechanisms for follow-up on matters previously reported in previous audits.
• Assessing BSIF’s existing internal control measures;
• Consulting with all relevant and concerned internal and external BSIF stakeholders (individuals and groups);
• Review of past financial reports including audit reports and
• Review of past organizational assessments that included assessments of BSIF’s financial management framework, systems, and processes.
Management Arrangement
Qualifications and Experience
- The Firm must demonstrate the following:
- Team leader: Minimum of an advanced degree (Master’s Degree or equivalent) in either, but not limited to, Economics, Finance, Business Management, or related fields from recognized and reputable academic institutions. Should have a professional qualification in finance like CPA/CA/ACCA or an equivalent qualification, and 10 years relevant experience in financial and/or budget management.
- The firm is required to have 10+ years’ experience in the development of financial management frameworks for internationally recognized institutions. Experience in Financial Management, Finance Software, Procurement and Audit Function.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the current climate finance architecture of the Green Climate Fund.
- Must have competence in Project Management.
Application Process and Deadline
Interested Firms are asked to submit:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of Interest – Development of a Financial Management Framework for Belize Social Investment Fund
Procurementofficer@pactbelize.org and ProjectManager@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by interested parties in the submission of their application.