***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy to produce a Grant Award Mechanism for the Belize Social Investment Fund
Country: Belize
Donor: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Project Name: Enhancing Access for Climate Finance Opportunities, through pre accreditation support to Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) and Ministry of Economic Development-Belize and technical support for Belize National Protected Areas System (BNPAS) Entities, Belize
Number of Positions: 1
Type of contract: Lump Sum – Companies- Firm (the firm’s cost will include Professional fees, travel related expenses, consultation costs)
Estimated Start Date: January 2024
Contract duration: 80 days within 4 months
Main duty station: Remote with travel to country
Deadline for Submission: January 26, 2024
Belize, like many other Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is particularly vulnerable to climate change with limited access to national financial, technological, and technical resources to build the country’s resilience. Ranking 9th on the Climate Change Vulnerability Index for the Latin American and Caribbean Region, Belize recognizes the need to take proactive actions towards a climate resilient development pathway. However, addressing the growing impacts of climate change poses a major challenge to national organizations, given their limited financial resources. It is vital that Belize tackles climate resiliency by strengthening the capacity of national agencies across sectors to access, manage and monitor climate financed projects/programs, which can only be achieved through support from key Funding Agencies, such as the GCF.
In its quest to support the building of Belize’s Resiliency, the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, Belize’s National Designated Authority (NDA), has internally considered its institutional gaps that prevent the entity from effectively operating in their capacity as the NDA. Internal gaps identified under Readiness One and Two extend to the Ministry’s operational capacity and human capacity constraints. The NDA endeavors to attain GCF Accreditation to bridge the gap in services provided by national accredited entities. Under this Readiness Grant an Accreditation Gap Assessment will be conducted to strengthen MFEDI’s current structure including its fiduciary standards such as administration, financial, procurement, integrity, and transparency. To bridge the human resource constraints a communications strategy and editable communications materials will be developed as well as training provided through the services of a communications consultant. The NDA has identified key agencies to assist the country to channel climate finance. The identification process was transparent and entailed extensive engagement with national stakeholders to identify organizations, with robust organizational structures to function as Direct Access Entities. These organizations had experience in applying for and implementing projects from international donors. One such entity, the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) was established in 1996 and based on its governing act is mandated by the Government of Belize to provide financial and technical assistance to local government entities and community groups through development cooperation funds earmarked for poverty reduction interventions. Work under a previous readiness grant (BLZ-RS-002) identified gap(s) including the following in BSIF’s operation in line with the fiduciary criteria of the GCF: (i) the lack of a Strategic Plan to guide its long-term vision and work of the organization, (ii) The lack of a formal financial management system/framework (iii) the need for a grants award mechanism and (iv) the lack of Environmental, Social and Gender Management Frameworks for the operation of the organization and any projects under implementation. Building on the support provided under a previous Readiness, this Readiness Grant seeks to strengthen internal capacities and function of the BSIF to attain GCF Accreditation by addressing the above gaps. In so doing, Belize will be able to access international climate finance via an entity engaged in the provision of basic climate resilient social infrastructure and related human development interventions across the Health, Education, Water and Sanitation sectors particularly in rural communities throughout the country. The BSIF serves a unique role in addressing the human developmental needs of men, women, and children in communities across the country, inclusive of climate adaptation needs, and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
It is against this background the Government of Belize via the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) has secured funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Programme to develop a Grant Award Program for BSIF. As such, this consultancy is intended to deliver (1) Grants Program Policy, Operations Manual and associated forms, and electronic management tool (2) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for grants program inclusive of policy and electronic user-friendly tools (compatible with BSIFs webpage), (3) Report with gender-disaggregated information on workshop for staff and post training evaluation on participants and (4) Operational Guidelines for the establishment for a revolving fund.
1.1 Overall Objectives
The overarching objective of this grant is to address some of the institutional gaps that inhibit Belize’s ability to successfully access climate finance through entities such as the GCF. Addressing these gaps will help Belize to further strengthen national capacities in climate finance projects, thereby enabling the country to achieve the goals sets in the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS), the Belize Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the National Climate Change Policy Strategy and Action Plan (NCCPSAP). As such, this present assignment is to deliver
- (1) Grants Program Policy, Operations Manual, associated forms, and electronic management tool
- (2) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for grants program inclusive of policy and electronic user-friendly tools (compatible with BSIFs webpage), (3) Operational Guidelines for the establishment for a revolving fund and (4) Two (2) 3-day training and capacity building sessions. The project output should consider BSIF’s current operational procedures and policies as well as the requirements for accreditation to the GCF.
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and reaffirms its commitment to achieving gender equality in all aspects of its work.
The assignment is to be undertaken by a suitably qualified Consulting Firm. The selected Consulting Firms will be responsible for all required/specific deliverables to PACT. The Consulting Firm must specify the qualifications and relevant experience of each expert to be assigned to this assessment.
The firm is required to possess the following competencies for the successful execution of this assignment.
a. Be a reputable Company/Firm with a Minimum of three (3) assignments or projects demonstrating in-depth knowledge in institutional and skill-based capacity development over the past 7 years.
b. Minimum of three (3) assignments or projects highlighting experience and demonstrated knowledge in institutional fiduciary processes and procedures over the past 7 years.
c. Minimum of three (3) assignments or projects demonstrating knowledge of the GCF or other climate finance institution’s accreditation requirements
Expert #1: Team Leader-Finance Policy Expert:
● A minimum of an advanced degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Economics, Finance, Business Management International Development/Relations, Financial Policy, or related fields.
● Minimum of 2 assignments related to climate finance issues, at the international and regional scales, with knowledge of the current climate finance architecture of the Green Climate Fund.
● Demonstrate at least three (3) years of experience in developing grant management frameworks or policies.
● Demonstrate experience in managing teams in at least 2 assignments within the past 5 years.
Expert #2: Institutional Expert
● A minimum of an advanced degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Policy, Institutional Frameworks, Social Sciences, Public Administration, or Climate Change.
● At least five years of experience engaging and coordinating national stakeholders and
● conducting consultation sessions, and workshops.
● At least 5 years’ experience as an adviser (at a senior level) in institutional strengthening and/or establishment, relevant to financial sector regulation.
● Knowledge of local governance structures and networks
● Understanding of revolving funds award mechanism in the Caribbean.
Expert # 3: Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
● A minimum of an advanced degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, International Development Management, Operations Management, Finance and/or Business Administration.
● At least five (5) years of relevant experience at the national or international level in Projects/Program monitoring and implementation.
● Demonstrated experience in developing project Operational Manuals especially for Green Climate Fund (GCF) or World Bank funded projects.
● Experience working with multi-institutional and multi-donor funded projects.
● Interested firms are asked to submit a signed letter of interest and a detailed technical proposal for the deliverables. The technical proposal should include methodology, work schedule, quality control and quality assurance. The technical proposal shall also describe the composition of the team and relevant years of experience.
● A financial proposal shall also be submitted.
● They must also provide the most recent curriculum vitae of all members of the consulting team.
Those interested should present the technical offer and budget proposal that responds to the contents of this ToR no later than 5:00 pm (central standard time), February 12, 2024. The proposal should be addressed to:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of Interest – Development of a Grant Award Mechanism for the Belize Social Investment Fund
Soft copies should be sent via email to: procurementofficer@pactbelize.org and projectmanager@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.