***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest: Full-Time Consultancy for Project Coordinator Services
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a multilateral financing mechanism established to support climate action in the Caribbean and by extension in developing countries. The GCF, in fulfilling its mandate, responds to climate change through strategic investments in actions that will result in low-emission and climate-resilient development. These strategic investments will limit or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in developing countries, and help vulnerable societies adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. The GCF has made available several windows for financing and technical support for a programmatic approach to engage the GCF for the implementation of climate actions. This includes funding windows for mitigation and adaptation, the Private Sector Facility, the Readiness and Preparatory Support Program, a REDD+ results-based payment program; and an Enhanced Direct Access Program designed to enhance funding access by sub-national, national, and regional, public, and private entities.
PACT received accreditation in October 2018 by the GCF as a national Direct Access Entity. This role requires PACT to take on several responsibilities associated with the delivery of impactful projects within the priorities of the Fund, of PACT, and of Belize’s National Climate Change Policy & Plan and related frameworks. In collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) as National Designated Authority (NDA) of Belize to the GCF, PACT has received approval for financing from the GCF under a Readiness and Preparatory Support Project titled “Strengthening technical and institutional capacities of Galen University, BLPA, PACT, BNPAS and the Government of Belize to access Climate Finance”.
This project is to be executed over an 18-month implementation period. This project will contribute to reducing the vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in Belize, by facilitating the coherent integration of climate change adaptation into the public sector, programs, and projects within the country. Belize will create partnerships with the public sector to build resilient livelihoods and minimize climate vulnerabilities of communities, conserve and increase the resilience of the agriculture sector, academia, NGOs, GOB, and within Belize in general.
PACT is now seeking the services of a Project Coordinator to execute and coordinate the project for PACT and/or its primary stakeholders. The consultancy aims to facilitate access to climate financing, create linkages and support strategies between national stakeholders in Belize, through strengthening their national capacity to develop climate finance projects, enabling the country to achieve the goals set in the Belize Nationally Determine Contributions (NDC) and the National Climate Change Policy Strategy and Action Plan (NCCPSAP), Plan Belize – Medium Term Development Strategy and Horizon 2030.
Scope of Work
▪ Oversee and coordinate all the activities of the GCF Readiness & Preparatory Support Project and will report on the day-to-day operations to the Climate Finance Manager (CFM) of PACT.
▪ Coordinate the execution of project activities with the project liaisons within the Ministry of Economic Development, PACT, BLPA and Galen University.
▪ Prepare and submit monthly work plans and reports to the CFM, on a timely and regular basis, detailing all past and planned activities.
▪ Prepare timely and high-quality technical and financial reports of the project as required by the project grant agreement.
▪ Establish and maintain contact with a l l project stakeholders, to ensure support for project implementation.
▪ Work in collaboration with PACT’s Procurement Officer and Accounting Staff for efficient and effective delivery of project outputs and budget management.
▪ Coordinate complimentary activities of PACT’s Climate Finance Portfolio, particularly related to other GCF projects, as requested by PACT.
Deliverables/Performance Indicators
▪ 100% execution of project activities and budget in a timely manner
▪ Submitting timely and accurate reporting packages to the GCF
▪ Submitting monthly work plans and reports
▪ Successful execution of other complimentary duties assigned
Qualifications and Experience
Candidates must possess a:
▪ Master’s Degree (preferred) or a Bachelor’s Degree in Project Management or relevant field; and/or
▪ Industry recognized Certification in Project Management
▪ A minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in managing medium-large internationally funded projects
Knowledge (not required but considered an asset):
▪ Working knowledge of general guidelines and procedures of international multilateral donors
▪ Working knowledge of the GCF, Adaptation Fund, or other Global Funding Agencies
▪ Knowledge of PACT.
Skill Requirements
▪ Advanced level of computing literacy (Microsoft Office applications preferred)
▪ Excellent written and oral communication skills
▪ Excellent organizational and planning skills
▪ Excellent analytical skills
▪ Excellent interpersonal skills
▪ Excellent decision making and problem-solving skills
Characteristics of the Consultancy
Tenure: Full-time for Eighteen (18) months commencing from date of engagement; longer time frame may become available depending on PACT’s needs.
Location: PACT Office, Belmopan
Reporting Responsibility: The Project Coordinator will report to the Climate Finance Manager and the Programming Director.
Remuneration Level: Contract for Service, commensurate with overall qualifications, within the approved project budget. Payment will be in monthly installments upon PACT’s acceptance of monthly reports.
Candidates should present a signed expression of interest that responds to the requirements of this Terms of Reference, accompanied by Curriculum Vitae, copies of academic certificates, current police record and a list of two recent professional references (names and contact information only) no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 16, 2024. The package should be addressed to:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of Interest – Project Coordinator Services
Soft Copies should be sent via email to procurementofficer@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.