Call for Expression of Interest — BNCF Audit

Call for Expression of Interest — BNCF Audit

Background The Belize Nature Conservation Foundation, (BNCF), formerly the PACT Foundation, was officially established in 2004, through the Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement (TFCA) of September 28, 2001, among the Government
Call for Expression of Interest for Audit Services for Green Climate Fund Project: “Strengthening Technical and Institutional Capacities of Galen University, BLPA, PACT, BNPAS and Government of Belize to Access Climate Finance”

Call for Expression of Interest for Audit Services for Green Climate Fund Project: “Strengthening Technical and Institutional Capacities of Galen University, BLPA, PACT, BNPAS and Government of Belize to Access Climate Finance”

Background The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a multilateral financing mechanism established to support climate action in the Caribbean and, by extension, developing countries. In fulfilling its mandate, the GCF