***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest – Audit Services

***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest – Audit Services

Type of Consultancy: Local Auditing Firm Duty Station: Belize Donor: Green Climate Fund  Project Title: Enabling Activities for the Formulation and Implementation of a Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize Project.  Project Number: BLZ-RS-011  Title of
***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest – Gap, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for the Development of Belize’s Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan

***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest – Gap, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for the Development of Belize’s Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan

Country: Belize  Donor: Green Climate Fund  Project Title: Enabling Activities for the Formulation and Implementation of a Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize Project.  Project Number: BLZ-RS-011  Type of Consultancy: Consulting Firm or Consortium – LUMP SUM
***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest – Youth, Gender, and Social Assessment of 5 priority areas for the development of Multi-sectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize

***CLOSED*** Call for Expression of Interest – Youth, Gender, and Social Assessment of 5 priority areas for the development of Multi-sectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize

Country: Belize  Donor: Green Climate Fund  Project Title: Enabling Activities for the Formulation and Implementation of a Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize Project.  Project Number: BLZ-RS-011  Type of Consultancy: Individual Consultant (LOCAL) – (the Firm’s cost will