Consultancy – Establishment of baseline data of the protected areas in Belize
Establish baseline data of the management effectiveness of the protected areas in Belize
Project Belize, Selva Maya Natural Resources Protection Project (KfW/IUCN)
Sub activity To strengthen the effective management of resources in the protected areas
RESPONSIBLE: Saul Cruz, Forest Officer
Juanita Garcia-Saqui, National Liaison Officer
Background and Justification:
Selva Maya is a strategic block of important natural ecosystems. It is the second largest tropical forest of America, after the Amazon rainforest. It possesses an extraordinary diversity of endemic and endangered species, as well as important sites of historical and cultural heritage. Located between Belize, Guatemala and the southeast of Mexico, covers 42,300 square kilometers in a corridor of protected natural areas in which different categories of management converge. In some cases, these areas are separated by international boundaries but united by conservation and sustainable management efforts by governments, civil society and cooperation agencies, among other relevant actors.
The interest in protecting Selva Maya is reflected in the laws and initiatives of the three countries. For protected areas to have the desired effect, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of institutions, their representatives and implementers at the local level and the communities in the region. In addition, it is necessary to handle the pressure that comes from increasing population, migration and unsustainable land use.
In this regard, on October 10th of 2010, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD, for its acronym in Spanish) celebrated the Financial Cooperation Contribution Contract. In 2014, the Governments of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico, together with KfW, during the XLII Special Meeting of CCAD, elected the Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC, for its acronym in Spanish) of IUCN as the organization responsible for financial implementation and technical support of the Project ” Selva Maya Natural Resources Protection Project, SMP”, whose objective is to maintain the ecosystemic functions and cultural values of the Selva Maya that promotes the well-being of its people and offers environmental services of global importance.
The area of intervention is focused on Selva Maya protected areas of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize and the implementation of the project will be coordinated and co-executed by the protected areas entities of each country:
- In Belize, by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment and Sustainable Development (MAFFESD);
- In Mexico, the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP, as per the Spanish acronym) will be the leading entity, in particular the Yucatan Peninsula and the Mexican Caribbean directorate;
- In Guatemala, it is the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP, as per the Spanish acronym) through its Regional Office in Petén.
Basic Concepts:
The SMP aims to improve the management effectiveness of the Selva Maya Protected Areas, its connectivity, and strengthen coordination capacity between Belize, Guatemala and Mexico for conservation and sustainable management actions of the Selva Maya.
Protected areas prioritized for the project implementation in Belize
Areas of work are grouped into 3 blocks and a private protected area:
- Block 1: Maya Ruins Caracol, Chiquibul National Park, Chiquibul Forest Reserve, Vaca Forest Reserve;
- Block 2: Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Noj Kaax Meen Elijio Panti National Park;
- Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Noj Kaax Meen Elijio Panti National Park and Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area (RBCMA)
1. Objective of the consultancy:
- Establish baseline data of the management effectiveness of the protected areas in Belize utilizing the National Management Effectiveness Tool for Belize and the Selva Maya Protected Areas Management Effectiveness Reference Framework (the Green List Adapted Standard for the Selva Maya)
- Strengthen the capacity of the FD personal to implement the management effectiveness evaluation for its protected areas
- Carry out the national management effectiveness evaluation, including the priority protected areas, and compile respective scorecards with recommendations for improving their management effectiveness.
- Collect information, where available, for complementary indicators identified in the Selva Maya Protected Areas Management Effectiveness Reference Framework, (henceforth the Selva Maya Tool) that are not included in the National Management Effectiveness Assessment tool.
Period of the consultancy
Duration: 4 months
Start / End Date: March 1st 2019- July 1st 2019.
Location: Belmopan, Belize
Supervisor: Saul Cruz – Forest Officer and Juanita Garcia-Saqui National Liaison Officer of the KfW-IUCN Project in Belize.
Qualifications and experience:
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Forestry, Natural Resources Management or related field.
Skills and experience:
- At least 5 years’ experience in formulating sustainable management plans
- Experience in delivering training courses
- Knowledge of Belize’s Environmental and Forestry Laws
- Experience in participatory processes and facilitation of consultation processes
- Ability to coordinate teams
Those interested should present the technical offer and budget proposal that responds to the contents of these Terms of Reference no later than February 15th, 2019. The proposal should be addressed to the National Liaison Officer ;( and to the Forest Department Protected Areas Manager (
For details download full pdf documents below.