PACT Provides $150K in Hurricane Relief to Support Conservation Stakeholders.
“PACT Provides $150K in Hurricane Relief to Support Conservation Stakeholders.”
Belmopan, November 30, 2022
The Protected Areas Conservation Trust is awarding Disaster Recovery Support Grants with a total value of $150,000.00 to several conservation and biodiversity management stakeholders. The grants will assist in recovery efforts and address damages caused by Hurricane Lisa.
PACT Executive Director Mrs. Nayari Diaz-Perez
Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management
Chairman of PACT Board of Directors, Dr. Kenrick Williams
PACT Executive Director, Minister of Sustainable Development, and PACT Board Chair shared their remarks at the award ceremony.
This total amount being awarded has been distributed among five organizations who significantly contribute to conservation and biodiversity management and Belize’s National Protected Areas System. The Belize Audubon Society received $25,000 to address damages to infrastructure at Halfmoon Caye Natural Monument. The University of Belize received $25,000 for repairs to their facilities on Calabash Caye, Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve, while the Community Baboon Sanctuary Women’s Conservation Group received $25,000 for repairs to nature trails, bathroom facilities, observation tower, and the education centre and welcome pavilion at the Community Baboon Sanctuary. Programme for Belize, managers of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, received $30,000 for repairs to their headquarters and Hill Bank Field Station solar systems, and The Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center received $45,000 for repairs to wildlife enclosures along with procurement of material and supplies.
These support grants are part of a larger contribution of $500,000.00 which PACT will be awarding to assist in ongoing disaster relief efforts. Though separate from PACT’s core Conservation Investment Programme, which aims at maximizing conservation value for investments, these disaster recovery support grants represent PACT’s collaborative spirit and continued commitment to enhancing Belize’s socio-ecological systems.
PACT is a statutory body that was formally established in January 1996 with the passing of the Protected Areas Conservation Trust Act, No. 15 of 1995. The functions of PACT are to encourage and promote, for the benefit and enjoyment of the present and future generations of the people of Belize, the provision, protection, conservation, and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources of Belize. The PACT is managed by a Board of Directors that is comprised of Government agencies, non-government organizations and individual experts.