**CLOSED** Request for Expression of Interest for Audit Services – Audit Firm
In April 2018, the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) approved its Conservation Investment Strategy 2018-2021. This 3-year Strategy guided investments made by PACT in the Belize National Protected Areas System (BNPAS) where it was expected to have the greatest potential for achieving several desired outcomes. These agreed long term desired outcomes or Conservation Return on Investments (CROI) include:
• Improved protection and conservation of priority protected areas and ecosystems.
• 10% increase in public/private investments in priority protected areas
• Employment opportunities through PA management and public/private sector investments increased by 10%.
PACT’s long-term approach is to respond to the needs of the Belize National Protected Areas System, as opposed to individual sites and, the achievement of these CROI corresponds to the agreed need to fulfil several critical needs of the BNPAS. These needs include investments towards biodiversity and ecosystem protection to improve overall ecosystem health and the continued provision of ecosystem services; improvements in the revenue generation potential of the BNPAS thus improving overall financial sustainability. These investments are nearing closure and determining the effectiveness of the Conservation Investment Strategy is needed to inform the next investment cycle.
Scope of Work
The objective of the external audit is to assess the effectiveness of the Conservation Investment Strategy by auditing the CIS 2018-2021 programs, the Conservation Investment Department’s (CID) overall performance in the management of the programs and determine whether the intended outputs and outcomes of the strategy were met.
Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of this Audit are to determine:
1. the level of compliance with the Investment Program Agreement
2. compliance of the Conservation Investment Department with the Conservation Investment Manual
3. the strengths and weaknesses in the overall management of the investment programs and make recommendations for improvements or strengthening the investment agreement
4. a financial review of the program budget and that they present no material misstatement
5. efficiency of the reporting procedures, monitoring of programs, early detection of issues, risk management, and evaluation of programs
Qualifications and Experience
PACT is seeking a firm with the following qualifications:
▪ At least five (5) years professional experience in conducting Audit of this nature
▪ Familiarity with the conservation financing sector
▪ Knowledge and experience in auditing organizations working in fields of Environmental Science, Environmental Statistics, Planning, Management, or relevant Monitoring & Evaluation (preferred)
▪ Familiarity with PACT’s Conservation Investment Strategy will be an asset
The full Terms of Reference is available at www.pactbelize.org. Selection of the Audit firm will be based on the National Competitive Bidding procurement method. Packages submitted must include a signed letter of interest and a detailed technical proposal for the deliverables. The technical proposal should include methodology, work schedule, quality control and quality assurance. The technical proposal should also include CVs of members of the firm, describing the composition of the firm, and relevant years of experience. A financial proposal shall also be submitted.
Packages should be submitted no later than February 3rd, 2023, at 5:00pm and addressed to:
procurementofficer@pactbelize.org with copy to cimanager@pactbelize.org
Re: Expression of Interest – Audit of the PACT Conservation Investment Programs
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.