**CLOSED** Request for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services to develop a Climate Change Needs Assessment of the Belize National Protected Areas System.
Belize, like many other Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is particularly vulnerable to climate change with limited access to national financial, technological, and technical resources to build the country’s resilience. Ranking 9th on the Climate Change Vulnerability Index for the Latin American and Caribbean Region, Belize recognizes the need to take proactive actions towards a climate resilient development pathway. However, addressing the growing impacts of climate change poses a major challenge to national organizations, given their limited financial resources. It is vital that Belize tackles climate resiliency by strengthening the capacity of national agencies across sectors to access, manage and monitor climate financed project/programs, which can only be achieved through support from key Funding Agencies, such as the Green Climate Fund.
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a unique global platform to respond to climate change by investing in low-emission and climate-resilient development. GCF was established to limit or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in developing countries, and to help vulnerable societies adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Given the urgency and seriousness of this challenge, the Fund is mandated to make an ambitious contribution to the united global response to climate change.
GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme supports country – driven initiatives by developing countries to strengthen their institutional capacities, governance mechanisms, and planning and programming frameworks towards a transformational long – term climate action agenda.
The Readiness Programme provides grants and technical assistance to National Designated Authorities (NDA) and/or Focal Points (FPs). Readiness funding can also be deployed to strengthen Direct Access Entities (DAE).
This Grant will provide further technical support to the Belize National Protected Areas System (BNPAS) Entities. These entities received prior capacity building support in the areas of environmental, social and gender management through the implementation of the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) Readiness Grant (BLZ-RS-003). Recommendations stemming from the Readiness Grant indicated the need for additional technical and capacity building support for national stakeholders involved in the management of Belize’s natural resources,
inclusive of regulatory agencies. Building on the actions of the previous post accreditation readiness support, this Readiness Grant will undertake an assessment of BNPAS’s Entities, inclusive of regulatory agencies, that are involved in managing Belize’s natural resources, to understand their climate adaptive needs and strengthen their ability to implement climate strategies via projects/programs.
Therefore, PACT is interested in identifying a consultant to undertake a Climate Change Needs Assessment which will complement the Readiness Project to analyze the institutional and technical needs of national stakeholders within the Belize National Protected Areas System (BNPAS) providing the framework for the systems advancement towards climate resilience.
Scope of Work
The Consultant will:
- Conduct an Inception meeting, preparation of a work plan and identification of targeted national stakeholders within BNPAS
- Literature review to include Protected Areas climate change planning and guidelines for integrating Climate Change Adaptation Strategies into Protected Areas Management Plans
- Consultation with stakeholders to develop the Needs Assessment and Action Plan with associated validation workshop.
- Produce and disseminate draft Needs Assessment and review and obtain feedback on the draft report.
- Develop an action plan along with an estimated budget to close gaps identified within the needs assessment (mitigation and adaptation options) and filling of consequential gaps.
- Develop and submit finalized report on stakeholder consultation with gender disaggregated information.
Qualifications and Experience
- Master’s degree in Statistics and Data Analysis, Climate Change, Environmental Sciences, Sustainable Development, or equivalent to climate data and information gap assessment, or similar field from recognized and reputable institutions.
- A minimum of 10 years of relevant working experience in the completion of similar assessments with experience in climate adaptation planning. Expertise in institutional assessment, Protected Areas systems, climate studies and climate finance.
- Any other skill set required:
- Proven experience with information management, data collection and analysis
- Excellent analytical, writing, advocacy, presentation, and communication skills are required.
The full Terms of Reference is available at www.pactbelize.org. Packages must include a letter of interest, most recent Curriculum Vitae, technical offer, and budget proposal and are to be submitted no later than October 27, 2022, at 5:00 pm. Packages should be addressed to:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of Interest – Development of a Climate Change Needs Assessment
Soft Copies should be sent via email to:
Procurementofficer@pactbelize.org and ProjectManager@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.