***CLOSED*** Request for Expression of Interest for Consultancy to Conduct an Institutional Human Resource Assessment for PACT
The Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) was established by law in 1996 with legislative amendments in 2003 and 2015. The general function of the Trust, according to the 2015 amendment, shall be “to contribute to the sustainable management and development of Belize’s natural and cultural assets for the benefit of Belizeans and the global community, both now and for future generations.”
Within that general function, PACT is mandated by the Government of Belize to serve a role as a national implementing entity for multilateral and international funding sources related to the sustainable management of natural resources, climate change and other environmental related issues, in collaboration with other relevant agencies. PACT is operating in a macro environment where conservation finance is evolving and demands the institution to remain relevant, responsive, and fit for purpose. In October 2018, an institutional-level restructuring was undertaken which saw an evolution of its core work program in protected areas and the introduction of a new work portfolio for climate finance following successful processes of accreditation and re-accreditation for the deployment of climate financing. This overhaul also included changes in the organization’s human resources systems and frameworks. Since then, there have been developments in the macro landscape as identified in the PACT Strategic Plan 2022-2027. These external developments require that PACT continues to seek enhancement of its operations by assessing its institutional capacity to deliver its strategic mandate and objectives.
Towards this end, PACT is commissioning two separate, but interrelated exercises as follows:
A. An assessment that identifies the functional roles that PACT needs to be executing within its current and future macro-operating environment and relative to the objectives set out in its Strategic Plan 2022-2027, and;
B. An assessment of PACT’s current human resource capacity and existing gaps to achieve the results identified in exercise A.
PACT is now seeking the consultancy services of a qualified firm to carry out the exercise described in point A above. The overall objective of the consultancy is to assess the current status of PACT’s institutional capacity with the view to develop and design a functional structure and organogram that aligns with the macro environment in which PACT is now operating, proposed legislative amendments, and the PACT Strategic Plan 2022-2027.
Deliverables & Estimated Timeline
This consultancy has a duration of 45 days, where the number of days may be spread within a period of 3 consecutive months. All timeframes/schedules for delivery will be outlined in an approved Inception
Report with specific due dates mutually agreed on. The deliverables will be submitted in digital format.
- Inception Report and detailed Work Plan
- Report on findings of the assessment, including consultations, literature review, and other key
- data and presentation of draft structure
- Presentation of final structure
Design Criteria for Deliverables
a) In designing the functional structure, consideration must be given to any new changes in PACT’s operating environment, legal or otherwise, that may arise during the conduct of this exercise.
b) The functional structure/organogram should be a clear, complete, and strategic internal document that organizes and outlines the human resource structure according to the functions
of the organization.
It must include a comprehensive report of the findings of the assessment, detailing any relevant data on which the structure/organogram is based.
c) An inclusive and participatory, but targeted approach is required. The PACT office will facilitate
access to the PACT Board, Staff, and external constituents.
Qualifications and Experience
The consultancy is open to International Competitive Bidding by firms. Proponents must be a reputable
firm with at least 5 years of proven track record in similar assignments. The firm must identify a lead
consultant who will be the liaison between the consultancy and PACT.
The individual experts must have demonstrated work experience in conservation finance, climate finance,
and development. It is highly desirable, but not required, that the experts have demonstrated experience
and knowledge of Conservation Trust Funds, Belize, and PACT. Individuals must have fluency in oral and
written English.
The consultancy firm will be selected based on the Consultants’ Qualification Selection (CQS) procedure
of PACT’s Procurement Procedures.
Expression of Interest
Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested firms must include a signed cover letter and information regarding the competence and experience of the firm relevant to the assignment. It should also include the names and CVs detailing the relevant experience of the individual experts of the firm. The full Terms of Reference will only be shared with short-listed proponents upon the Request for Proposals.
The Call for EOIs will be made according to PACT’s procurement procedures.
Packages should be submitted no later than June 6, 2023, at 5:00pm. Packages should be addressed to:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of interest – Consultancy to Conduct an Institutional Human Resources Assessment for PACT
Soft copies should be sent via email to:
procurementofficer@pactbelize.org and execsecretary@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.