**CLOSED** Request for Expression of Interest: Project Assistant for the “Restoring Degraded Lands within Key Areas of the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve and Surrounding Buffer Zones” Project
Title of Project/Programme: Restoring Degraded Lands within Key Areas of the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve and Surrounding Buffer Zones.
Belize utilized the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), which was developed by IUCN and the World Resources Institute (WRI), to identify and analyze degraded and deforested areas that are suitable for Functional Landscape Restoration (FLR). In 2019, the ROAM process with its stakeholder approach and GIS analysis identified 130,000 hectares of priority areas to implement restorative techniques. These 130,000 ha of priority areas for restoration became the nation’s official pledge to the Bonn Challenge submitted in June 2021, with 50,000 hectares dedicated for forest restoration and 80,000 hectares for Agro landscape regeneration. Belize is a pioneer in defining its restoration ambition based on information, criteria, and financial and economic analyses ultimately contributing to the creation of a National Landscape Restoration Strategy (NLRS). The NLRS outlines actions to be taken between 2022 and 2030 to successfully accomplish the 130,000 ha of restoration, through collaboration within the Governmental departments, Non-Governmental Organizations, academia, Community-based organizations, and others, and spearheaded by the Belize Forest Department through its Landscape Restoration Desk.
The Government of Belize selected the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) being the statutory body that supports the administrative and financial responsibilities of the activities executed by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management, MSDCCDRM, under this project in Belize. The MSDCCDRM, through the Forest Department, and the Ya’axché Conservation Trust as a subrecipient, are responsible for the technical implementation as well as technical reporting of the project in Belize. To assist in the successful implementation of the project activities, the Belize Forest Department (FD) along with the Protected Areas Conservation Trust have identified the need for a Project Assistant to work in conjunction with the Project Liaison Officer through its Landscape Restoration Desk, to assist in the execution, coordination, and delivery of the project deliverables in Belize and ensure restoration actions in this project are streamlined with the National Landscape Restoration Strategy 2022-2030.
Project Site Background
The project aims at improving the land management within the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve (MMNFR) through a forest landscape restoration approach, ensuring the increase of productivity for many farmers that are already conducting sustainable agricultural activities, and the simultaneous improvement of ecosystem functionality and biodiversity through connectivity in key buffer zones adjacent to the reserve. To achieve this, the project will engage in three main areas:
- Rehabilitation of cacao agroforestry farms in the MMFNR and the buffer zone
- Reforestation of degraded lands in the MMFNR
- Sensitization of key buffer communities on land restoration techniques and benefits.
In January 2016, a Conservation Agreement for the management of the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve (MMNFR) agroforestry concession was signed by the Belize Forest Department, the Ya’axché Conservation Trust (YCT) and the Trio Farmers Cacao Growers Association (TFCGA) of Trio Village. This agreement gives access rights to a 379-hectare agroforestry concession within the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve to the TFCGA to implement agroforestry practices. This initiative has been beneficial for providing local livelihoods while maintaining the integrity of the forest landscape. Similarly, Ya’axché has a relationship with farmers working in the buffering area of the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve, including those in Bella Vista, who have previously expressed interest in restoring their lands and converting it to agroforestry systems. The buffer-zones of the Maya Mountain North Forest Reserve are heavily concentrated with farmlands that are mainly used for subsistence farming to produce beans, corn, pumpkin, plantains, and pineapples. Farmers who are working on these lands utilize vast amounts of chemicals and practice the ‘slash and burn’ (swidden) method, which often result in escaped fires that can damage the agroforestry concession and to the reserve. Converting these buffer-zones to sustainable productive agroforestry systems by engaging these farmers, will minimize the degradation of soils, strengthen the integrity of the watershed, and create a better harmonization among the forest and wildlife through improved connectivity on a landscape level.
Scope of Work
PACT will hire a full-time project assistant to assist in the procurement of materials, coordinating the delivery of services from companies obtained, and submission of invoices to the PACT office for proper filling and financial reporting. The Project Assistant will also support in the coordination of field activities, stakeholder workshops/trainings and informational sessions. Field activities include nursery propagation, transplanting in the restoration sites, and trainings for participants. The Project Assistant will facilitate the smooth compilation of technical reports in collaboration with the Project Liaison Officer, the Ya’axché Conservation Trust and PACT. The project assistant is to be hired for a 7-month period, based on the tendering processes and recruitment timeline of PACT.
Characteristics of the Position
Institutional arrangements
The Project Assistant will be directly supervised by Protected Areas Conservation Trust and work along with the Project Liaison Officer and the Ya’axché Conservation Trust.
Duty Station
The Project Assistant will be based at the Forest Department Headquarters in Belmopan with rotational posting at the Machaca Forest Station or the Savannah Forest Station based on field activities required. The Project Assistant will also be required to travel to the project/implementation site for scheduled activities, with transportation and meals being provided for.
Qualifications and Experience
The candidate should possess a minimum of an Associate degree in Environmental Management, Biology, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, or any natural sciences related to the project. Must be familiar with the policies, legislation and procedures associated with the mandate of the Belize Forest Department. It is desirable if the candidate has proven experience in working with key stakeholders in the sector. Strong interpersonal communication skills (written and oral) are required. Should have a good command of the English language; being bi-lingual is an advantage (Spanish) and must also be willing to work flexible hours, in the field.
The candidate must also possess the following:
- Excellent analytical and communication
- Ability to work with a wide range of stakeholders including local
- Ability to prepare reports and
- Ability to manage and work with a multidisciplinary and multicultural
- Strong motivation and ability to work and deliver under short
- Focuses on impact and results and responds positively to critical
- Able to work independently with little or no
- Able to grasp new concepts and open to learning.
- Capable of utilizing a GPS receiver.
* The Project Assistant will be required to become familiar with the National Landscape Restoration Strategy and other relevant documents to ensure the restoration objectives of the project are met, within the first two (2) weeks of recruitment.
The full Terms of Reference is available at www.pactbelize.org. Packages submitted must include a letter of interest and most recent Curriculum Vitae no later than October 11, 2022, at 5:00 pm. Packages should be addressed to:
Mr. Radin Santos
Procurement Officer
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
Re: Expression of Interest – Project Assistant procurementofficer@pactbelize.org with copy to finmanager@pactbelize.org
PACT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability).
PACT is not liable for any costs incurred by applicants in submission of their application.